Thunderbirds Are Go! / Thunderbird 6 (Double Feature)

Directed by David Lane

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Release Year: 1966
Running time: 182
Country: U.K.
Language: English
Genres: Animation
$5.99 - Classroom Rights
MSRP: $19.95
Directed by: David Lane

THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO: Blast off into interplanetary adventure with the first feature-length film starring the International Rescue team: millionaire ex-astronaut Jeff Tracy, his five stalwart sons, the fabulous secret agent Lady Penelope and, of course, their incredibly futuristic fleet of Thunderbird rescue ships! THUNDERBIRD 6: The Tracy team is back in action in another riveting adventure! This time it will take all of their combined effort - and the cunning wit of their colleague Lady Penelope - to defeat an international ring of terrorists, who've targeted International Rescue for destruction! (Brilliant! Decades Ahead of Its Time) – Entertainment Weekly