
Directed by Hua-Tao Teng

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Release Year: 2011
Country: China
Language: Mandarin
$18.71 - Classroom Rights
MSRP: $24.95
$349.00 - With PPR
$499.00 - With DSL
$499.00 - With DSL and PPR
MSRP: $599.00
Directed by: Hua-Tao Teng

X Men's Fan Bing Bing stars in this ghostly Chinese love story. When Junchu s girlfriend, Manli, is killed in a car accident, her ghost is determined to be with him forever. However, Junchu is forced to marry another woman, Sansan. Unable to earn his love and affection, Sansan makes a pact with Manli s ghost, but as their love for Junchu clashes their agreement turns from friendship to terrifying vengeance. Reminiscent of the Alfred Hitchcock classic Rebecca but with a supernatural twist, Matrimony is a beautifully terrifying love story.


"Ghostly goings on have rarely looked so gorgeous as they do in this spooky little period story." -Eye for Film