Red Lines

Directed by Oliver Lukacs, Andrea Kalin

Release Year: 2014
Running time: 98
Country: U.S.
Language: English, Arabic w/English subt.
Genres: Documentary
$18.71 - Classroom Rights
MSRP: $24.95
$349.00 - With PPR
$499.00 - With DSL
$499.00 - With DSL and PPR
MSRP: $599.00
Directed by: Oliver Lukacs, Andrea Kalin

The news from the Middle East worsens daily into a nightmare scenario - one eerily foretold in 2012 as two young, unlikely Syrian activists launch a radical plan for bringing democracy to their country, besieged by the brutal Bashar al-Assad regime. Under threat of death and armed only with the Internet, they organize when no one else will. Red Lines provides cinematic boots on the ground, offering a rare window into the Syrian conflict, taking us from the trenches to geopolitical jockeying and becoming, along the way, a searing exposé of an ongoing human rights crisis.